Discover Open Collaboration

Simplify identity discovery, improve resource management,
speed up coordination, and make interactions safer.
Build with Us
We build software that increases agency, enabling you to own your digital experience. Join the community to learn more. 
Let’s make collaboration discovery even better together. Subscribe to the Sodal Blog and then join the conversation on LinkedIn, YouTube, and BlueSky.
We’re open source, and community-focused builders. Join the community and dive into the code on GitHub.
Our Vision
Fast, safe, accessible collaboration for every community.
Our Mission
We believe communities maximize their potential by increasing the agency of each member. Our mission is to deliver technology that enables that freedom. We achieve this by shipping software that creates new markets for agency-advancing capabilities.
Our Values
Free users to decide who delivers the capabilities they value. We build tools that free users from compulsory dependencies and centralized tethers.
Autonomous Users
Free builders to focus on creating differentiated value. We create open systems that drive to zero the cost of digital capabilities we all need.
Open Products
Free producers to capture value through positive-sum synergies rather than zero-sum conflicts. We design products that generate value from mutually beneficial outcomes.
Symbiotic Markets
Free stakeholders to achieve shared goals without enforcing new rules. Our solutions honor the autonomy of others by meeting them where they are.
Noncoercive Communities
We're Hiring
Ready to amplify human agency with excellent software? Check out our posted positions.
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a tree growing upwards, with the sun shining between it's branches